Health and Safety
Safety First
It is the policy of J Givvons Electrical Ltd to work in compliance of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974/CDM2008 and any other statutory acts or legislation required to maintain a safe working environment.
The company is responsible to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all employees/sub-contractors, clients, visitors and the general public whilst employed by the company or attending the company premises. When working at the client’s premises or other locations, all employees/sub-contractors shall comply fully with the above, HSE requirements of principles and specific client requirements.
Our ultimate objective is to achieve an accident free workplace. This is conducted by being pro-active and identifying potential hazards through the monitoring of incidents, accidents, illness, dangerous occurrences, comments from employees/sub-contractors, assessing risks and imposing effective precautions.
The management shall ensure that an effective health and safety system is implemented and maintained which encourages communication at all levels. Employees/sub-contractors are encouraged to approach any supervisor, manager or director to discuss anything they consider may jeopardise the well being of themselves or others, or have any doubts of how to conduct a given task safely. All employees/sub-contractors are encouraged to report all incidents, accidents, illness and dangerous occurrences irrespective of the size or nature, which are reviewed during regular safety management and committee meetings.
The management shall ensure that all employees/sub-contractors are familiar with the health and safety requirements expected of them via training, education and enthusiasm, and that they are competent (suitably experienced or qualified) to carry-out the tasks undertaken.
Even though the management will ensure the health and safety of their employees/sub-contractors, all employees/sub-contractors shall be made aware that they have a duty to care to ensure the safe welfare of themselves and others who may be affected by their actions.
The directors and management consider nothing is so urgent or too important that safety should be compromised. The safety manager is directly responsible to the managing director who has given him the jurisdiction, resources, time and finances to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all who may be affected by the company activates.
Substances or activates which are used or conducted shall be assessed for potential risks or hazards, such risks/hazards shall be reviewed and assessed for severity and where possible eliminated or minimized at source.
The policy statement shall be reviewed at least annually to ensure the objectives are being achieved and that the policy still reflects the company requirements and needs. When required the policy shall be revised appropriately.